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Orange TH30 Head
Orange TH30 Head

Tube Guitar Amp Head from Orange belonging to the TH series

Anjer Anjer

«  Fine »

Published on 06/03/13 at 06:09
Amp head lamps 30-15-7 watts, 2 channels 3 buttons each 15 kg.
Light enough while imposing and beautiful, the Orange TH30 is a great amp stylish.


The configuration is the simplest possible. The clean channel has three buttons: bass / treble / volume not need more. The distortion channel has three buttons: volume / shape / gain, but it seems this is the Shape button that makes the magic amp. There is obviously no need for manual, this amp has no complex option / useless, his philosophy is to go straight to the point. We directly obtain a sound worthy of a CD by putting all the buttons at noon.
The volume of the clean channel is higher than the distortion channel, but this is not a problem from my point of view.


I play modern punk rock and is well suited to this style of music. Warning: this is the most modern and Orange who has the most to gain all amp brand.
Its clean channel is super clean view lens, stunning. Its channel distortion is ultra modern, it looks like a tube screamer is integrated inside. One could also compare the three buttons Volume / Shape / Gain the three buttons on a Tube Screamer pedal Balance / Tone / Overdrive. The sound is very defined, very easy to play and brilliant. However it does not look that "full" of Orange Rockerverb, ie it does not crash all the frequencies in a mix, but I suspect this feature to make it not quite pierce the mix live.
For solo use in his apartment or to accompany a CD, it is perfect, you can play a whole afternoon without ever getting tired of the ease of play, his aggressive sweetness, mordants mute extremely flattering and his solo shiny and manageable.
With him, I can not plug my Tube Screamer (Do I have to put before my Dual Rectifier and my Mini Rectifier).


I bought an Orange Rockerverb to compare and I returned the Rockerverb after some testing (and training records). I prefer TH30 without a shadow of a doubt. Do not be fooled by its low price, it is currently the best Orange head that I tested. However I've never used live, so I'm not able to speak, but 30 watts is very powerful. At worst, there is the TH100 is the same as the TH30 more powerful and heavier.