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Soldano Hot Rod 50 XL+
Soldano Hot Rod 50 XL+
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Kokito Kokito
Published on 09/18/09 at 05:05
Nothing to add more than Serial riffs!

Aside from that on my head, I a knob in addition, I added a second master on the drive channel. So I find myself with a 3 channel head: o)


- The configuration is simple?
Simple configuration, just missing a separate EQ for 2 channel but ... : O)

- Do you get easily a good sound?
So here is just great, this amp is ultra-versatile equalizer is really effective, the sound is wonderful, 5 years later I'm still in love!

- The manual is clear and sufficient?.
For the manual, I have no recollection of having had: o)


- Will it fit your style of music?
Exactly, I play everything, a group that makes the Rock / Funk / Soul and a group of baloche (international varieties, French etc. ...). And it sounds in all styles. By turning the knobs of earnings, it really gets all the sounds.

- With what (s) guitar (s) / low (s) or effect (s) do you play?
With a Gibson Les Paul Standard with Bare Knuckle up VHII / Mule and a Fender Telecaster Nashville Power Deluxe (something like that: o)). I agree 200% with what to say about this Riffe Serial!

- What kind of sound you get and with what settings ("crystalline", "fat ",....)?
Since only guitarist in my band, I try to have a sound enough fat and filled ... precisely to meet: o)
After that really depends on my mood for settings, I change quite often!
Otherwise I like to boost my solos with my Sparkle Drive set to clean boost fed 4V (I read this info on AF and it's simply brilliant stroke of the voltage!). It gives a warmth and harmonics to my beautiful solo: o)

- What are the sounds you prefer, you hate?
I really like everything, apart from the presence of knob I generally leave between 5 and 6 but not more ... after I find it not very musical!


- For how long have you been using it?
It will soon be 5 years.

- What thing do you like most/least about it?
What I like most: his color ... lol I took the red red cabinet also: o) ... seriously the sound that gives these potatoes!
What I like least: the half-stack ... it sucks but hey we do with <img class="smiley" src="https://fr.audiofanzine.com/images/audiofanzine/interface/smileys/icon_biggrin.gif" alt="" />

- Did you try many other models before getting this one?
I spent the combos but I had a TSL100 head (nice but no more ... bof), a JCM Slash (what is it like good head ... but not versatile enough, shame, it was a damn ... but its only one sound and a Peavey Classic :-/), I currently use for my group of Baloch. The Hot Rod is for me far above the rest.

- What is your opinion about the value for the price?
By the cons ... it hurts in the ass ... but good to have a sound and build quality ... must pay the price: - /

- Knowing what you know now, would you make the same choice? ...
Without a doubt ... but perhaps the SLO100 ... although 100 Watts is a bit n'imp ... : O)

Edit of 18/09/2009: I replaced the Sparkle Drive, which I eat all low through Xotic RC Booster for the solos ... is so much better: o)
Otherwise I have changed the Sovtek 5881 power tubes by 6L6JJ ... well it's another world ... the difference is really noticeable, the sound is better, certainly less gain (do not care, I had too much anyway) but better dynamics, more harmonics, warmer, more "body", the less steep less drooling ... I really did not glance at such a radical change ... I rediscovered my amp like never ... to get more than 5 years of Rock n 'Roll with the Soldano <img class="smiley" src="https://fr.audiofanzine.com/images/audiofanzine/interface/smileys/icon_mrgreen.gif" alt="mrgreen" />