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Roland A-90
Roland A-90

88-Key MIDI Keyboard from Roland belonging to the A series

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«  master keyboard professional quality »

Published on 12/24/10 at 02:36
My philosophy for the final scene is the combination:
+ master keyboard racks expanders

I've used for years the MX 1000 from AKAI, very good master keyboard too little known, but because of recurrent attempt failed, I had to separate.

I chose the A90 because it was the only one to have the characteristics necessary for me:

At least four zones with separate MIDI outputs (the A90 has 8!)
Ability to create "chains" of PRESETS (or "patch"), successor to the various combinations during a live performance, using a foot pedal.

In short, this means having all the "spinning" the concert with a free hand (the happiness when I was known as the glorious eras keyboards piled on stage, no automatic submissions!)


Keyboard has an excellent touch, neither too hard nor too soft.

Keep in mind that this is a master keyboard, and therefore we must control organ sounds, piano, lead anaolgiques, etc., in short all sorts of different sounds.

For this, need a layout that suits the answer to all the different games for different types of sounds, a sort of "compromise" ideal.

In my case I am very well suited to the touch of this keyboard that I find very good.

I just put a damper on the programming logic of the beast, which has the default feature of all machines signed Roland, namely logic and feeble anti imbitable intuitive, requiring to treasure the manual if you do not want to be blocked at one time or another!

Last point: my A90 has the optional sound card but I never use it. She has no particular interest and I recall that the A90 is primarily a master keyboard.


I use it since 2002 and is the center of my set for the scene and rehearsals only

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