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Tanglewood TW47 E

All user reviews for the Tanglewood TW47 E

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  • oliveoiloliveoil

    Super good electro acoustic small-format

    Tanglewood TW47 EPublished on 12/10/11 at 16:40
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    English brand but made in China
    Table, body and Sides: Solid Mahogany
    Channel 1.75
    14 frets (cutaway)
    Pickup EQ pre-amp with tuner BBand AT3
    Trs nice finish, dtail soignbr /> Lutherie inspect indoor and well RALIS


    The handle of the scraper and rglage home made me into the world of acoustic guitar, both initially j'tais keyboard is a little on the work surface of the guitar (although and playing with multiple Manir sporadic) and I started work 3h/4h day, something sick. I m'gare but the playability of this guitar is incredible ..


    Well, that's what they call a format "great folk" in fact it is between a great concert and orchestra. So to the …
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    English brand but made in China
    Table, body and Sides: Solid Mahogany
    Channel 1.75
    14 frets (cutaway)
    Pickup EQ pre-amp with tuner BBand AT3
    Trs nice finish, dtail soignbr /> Lutherie inspect indoor and well RALIS


    The handle of the scraper and rglage home made me into the world of acoustic guitar, both initially j'tais keyboard is a little on the work surface of the guitar (although and playing with multiple Manir sporadic) and I started work 3h/4h day, something sick. I m'gare but the playability of this guitar is incredible ..


    Well, that's what they call a format "great folk" in fact it is between a great concert and orchestra. So to the sound level, great for the size and the projection is good but trs n'esprez not compete with a big dread.
    Lquilibre of lensemble, because of all solid mahogany and size can get his trs simple, warm, and full right. No big bass daigus not shining too, just what is. Sincrement I tried a packet in small sizes and the scratch is really a level of prices related suprieur pay.En electro, as always with a pickup it UST you must add a DI ( LR or Samsamp for example) or with EQ FX and / or possibly simultaneously from scratch (Fishman Aura, D-Tar Mama Bear) if you want to dbarrasser effect "quack" that the caractrise piezos. Martin 12/54 with light is happiness, the action is low but no frieze ..


    So it's dj 15 months that we are together and I will never regret this purchase.
    The price quality ratio is excellent and Tanglewood brand to be reckoned with when seeking a good elctro-acoustic without the 2 / 3000 that it takes to really move sth really better.
    I would be sad if he ever trs anything: (
    APRS there is the look, it will not please everyone, I found it a bit loaded but once in hand, and then it changes to the Australian room ...
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