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Behringer Truth B2031A
Behringer Truth B2031A

Active Monitor from Behringer belonging to the Truth series

Rocknweb Rocknweb
Published on 08/18/05 at 07:52
Beware of the automatic switch-off of the enclosure, I used it and found it very practical to the day or a single speaker is picked up, the other remains silent ... APRS cutting the power supply and switched back a few minutes later everything is back to normal ... needless to say that since I no longer use this feature.

The reliability is not the height of it is also behringer prfrable not to let too much heat this type of hardware that does dplace couple that even for Repair Tool .. .

Use home studio (see my mini home studio section "guitar" on my website). The connection is not always complte trs well established, some cables can be Gnant in the placement of the speakers. The rglages the rear to match the acoustics of the pice are effective.


Connection in a table mix UB802, elctro-acoustic guitars, guitar amp, computer, BAR, Yamaha synth, everything that happens in my branch Behringer!

Sound quality:
Trs little breath, image stro excellent, serious and acute Defines well, only a few mediums pchent less transcribed as, for example (Cot with nasal plastic instruments that should be corrected before sending the signal, the equalizer for that table UB802 is enough to tell you ...)

Trs directional speakers so be careful with too high / low you lose some information especially in the acute COST.

As the Swiss say is dynamite! They give their maximum volume of Modra strong. Weak dynamics is not sufficient to move his large HP and the default background stand out more and is nothing but brutalize's ...


For more than a year, I compared Foxtex, Samson Resolv80 65 and 50A, KHK, Yamaha MSP5, ..., I'm no the only by this choice at an affordable price return such prsence for both live instruments that the sounds from the computer.
The price quality ratio is better than ever ...
so enjoy if you have room to install ...