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M-Audio Studio Pro  3
M-Audio Studio Pro 3
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zotri zotri
Published on 11/16/08 at 08:46
Value For Money : Excellent
Pregnant with only very rotten at home and forced to work with headphones, I was looking for a cheap solution to the speaker made as neutral as possible for a given goal.
So I use to mix stuff in a small home studio, but the blow for all other uses.


- The frequency response seems to me honest (I never had the opportunity to test high-quality speaker).
- After many checks, I noticed that the sound from the left speaker differed slightly from that of the right. That said, I also checked with my old speakers and it was rotten about the same. So mystery.
- The sound quality seems very good.

As the other reviewers, I add the sound of transformer resonates even when the speakers are turned off (but connected)! That's still boring.


- I use it for close to one year if not more.
- I have not tried other models before you buy it by internet.
- This product would suit me if the following problems did not occur:

- A loose connection of connection to speaker level passive send me pregnant once SAV: New returned who had exactly the same defect. I done been with, but I'm not the only one saying: Reliability zero.
- The buzzing of the transformer that requires me to unplug the speakers every time I came to use it.

- I do not have enough experience to judge the quality / price ratio,
- With experience, I would do not have that choice. I would opt for something more reliable and functional, even if it means a slightly colored. Besides, if they fail as happened to a few people here, I would not even take the trouble to send in for repair (except for resale!)