TopicPosted on 02/18/2004 at 18:08:36CD ROM DRIVE SHARING IDE WITH HD
I have TWO IDE ports in my PC. One, I'm sharing the C: Hard Disk (a Ultra DMA 5) with my CD Recorder (Ultra DMA 2). In the other IDE port I'm using another Hard Disk.
So the question is? Is there any performance problem to my fisrt HD (shared) I mean, will it get lower if is shared?
I use some VST instruments(installed on C: HD), SONAR and GIGASTUDIO (Second hard driver for GIGA FILES).
New AFfiliate
Member 20 years ago
2Posted on 02/19/2004 at 11:19:34
basically, yes. the ide port could run at the speed of the slowest device. it may be better to put the two drives on one port and the cd on the other.
Run the HD with the OS on one IDE and run the storage HD with the CD ROM, and make sure you have a Ultra DMA ribbon cable (twice as many wires) for your primary IDE. Record with your primary and store on your secondary.