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eJay MusicDirector

All user reviews for the eJay MusicDirector

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  • djmoustikdjmoustik

    eJay MusicDirectorPublished on 10/29/06 at 04:39
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I noted an inconsistency with Reason has been corigé with the latest version! software easy to use (I have a apri men serve 15 years without a tutorial) very convenient! only the effect is weak and very full sound quality.


    The log that can not consumed cpu!
    I use Reason and more music direstor both function very well together san problem


    I use depui 4 years!
    jadore ease of use!
    pa I try many other models: Adobe Audition (much more complex but more complete)
    Now I spend a pence a more comprehensive software that stay perfect for my debut is still a madapte else I ke log;)
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    I noted an inconsistency with Reason has been corigé with the latest version! software easy to use (I have a apri men serve 15 years without a tutorial) very convenient! only the effect is weak and very full sound quality.


    The log that can not consumed cpu!
    I use Reason and more music direstor both function very well together san problem


    I use depui 4 years!
    jadore ease of use!
    pa I try many other models: Adobe Audition (much more complex but more complete)
    Now I spend a pence a more comprehensive software that stay perfect for my debut is still a madapte else I ke log;)
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