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Roland D-20
Roland D-20

Digital Synth from Roland

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Dinostudio Dinostudio
Published on 02/07/03 at 01:50
61-key keyboard trs trs flexible, with a trend it is true "m.erd.r" after a few years (Be careful the OCCAZ "even if any boyfriend just bricoluer can change the "RUMBERs" in 1 hour 3 times for nothing ...)


The use of D20 is easy, except that the squenceur .... but uses it again?


The sounds are those of the D10, and D5 of synthse THE trs so while remaining far from a D50 ...
Overall, I must say ... the vrit presets have a lot older! But it must be noted that the D20
is able to produce beautiful analog sounds that should delight Technofil ... For the rest, spend most current MODELS


For the little hispanic, the first album of ZAZIE t model has a D20!

Frankly, there is no great advantage to possess this type of material in the home studio.
mine is running in master keyboard for years, and rare are the moments I venture o br /> make him sound out ...

But I love mr Roland Dvin C'tait ... my first synth!