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Vestax PCV-275
Vestax PCV-275

3-Channel Mixer from Vestax belonging to the PCV series

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ekima ekima
Published on 02/17/05 at 01:42
6 line, 3 phono, 2 masters, the most powerful and kills trs incomparable maneuverability!

It is assignable cross that channel 1 and 3, again we can not regulate his curve.
-There are only two exits but no MASTER ZONE or REC output.


Pleasing to the touch and especially robust! We feel we have not behringer knob under the fingers.
The cross is very nice, normal pcv technology.
The manual is good.


Very good sound output just watch out with the knobs are sensitive and trs are often found in excess frequency drives by with a little bit Bug APRS level 0, all c ' is back ear.
Small negative point: the sound that comes through the headset is really low it is often the max but notes the better ear unless they were shot ...


I've had a year and I am very happy with my purchase and more is available right now asser ct prices then do not hesitate it is worth it ...
if not please feel free to write me for more clarification because I do not have the Envision unwrap a novel.

Otherwise, stay crdible: even when it is not a 10/10