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Snarling Dogs Fuzz Buzz
Snarling Dogs Fuzz Buzz
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kami94 kami94
Published on 07/09/08 at 13:11
So it's a fuzz type distortion pedal. On this foot, we have:
-Battery or power supply via a standard Boss type. Moreover, small defect at the power supply plug: it tends to keep badly. It is best to add a piece of tape so that the power supply cable stays in place.
A flight-knob / gain and the OD / dist
-A switch that can dramatically change the color of sound. The two positions are Snarl (groan) and Bite (bite). The names are self explanatory ...
And of course an input and output.


The pedal is very easy to use: we chose the attack (snarl or bite), we adjust the volume, and just have to choose the level of distortion (normal for a pedal of this type, you tell me. ..)

The case is metal and could stand the test of a tank, so no worries of reliability point of view. For it is against some big, about 2x the size of a pedal boss (even bigger than a Holy Grail and other Small Clone / Stone EHX).


I bought this pedal a little chance, and I expected to pedal very, very bad (there's still a big dog on the boiboite ^ ^).
And in fact, quite the opposite. It is much less violent than a Big Muff

I think the highlight of this pedal is that it responds very well to the attack. I usually played with little distortion, making it possible to have either a sound or a crunch almost clear already pushed just by changing his attack. Then the Attack setting allows for either sound a little dull (snarl) or on the contrary more "percussive" (prone to screaming with a stratum).

on the other hand when you start up the distortion, in a snarl the sound becomes really too rough (not dirty eh). I doubt it also goes well in a mix (I never tried as a group). When the position dick when you go up the level of distortion the sound is very violent (see too loud). There on the other hand, as only the guitar sound is not great, as it has a lot to spend in a mix (to see).

So it's a pedal that was ultimately not a phenomenal headroom (do not wait for endless sustain as a muff), but that can mess up his sound and color.

I will not deny that I was slightly disappointed with the sound of this pedal. Must also say that I play mostly big greasy stoner, so this pedal is not necessarily appropriate.

I put 7, because it is very interesting with low distortion, but not that I really like the sound when you go up that level.


I have this pedal for a few months, I kept it long enough to try to get around its possibilities (indeed, I did not say, but it makes quite a boost in front. We keep the dosage of the attack and coloring, but you can gain more cleanly)

In the end, an interesting pedal, which does not cost more expensive (about € 50 to OCCAZ). But it does not match what I play, and the type of sound I'm looking for (I am a fan of my Big Muff).

For information, interesting links:
-The classic (in English)
%% http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Effects/product/Snarling 2BDogs/Fuzz 2BBuzz/10/1 ( http://reviews.harmony-central.com/reviews/Effects/product/Snarling%2BDogs/Fuzz%2BBuzz/10/1 )
-I quite agree with what is said (but it is seen more positively than me ^ ^)