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< All Seymour Duncan SFX-01 Pickup Booster reviews
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Seymour Duncan  SFX-01 Pickup Booster
Seymour Duncan SFX-01 Pickup Booster
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charlou la fouine charlou la fouine
Published on 09/28/09 at 05:01
Booster, analog, and 1in 1out, between a power supply and a battery, sturdy construction ... It is not life grand?


Config limit of the impossible ...


Indeed super efficient, it is plugged into the amp direct (in this case we add the just the distortion to make things worse), or branch in the loop of the amp (the volume is increased ). on the other hand attention! If the branch line, increases the distortion ONLY channel distortion of the amp, and increases the volume on the clean channel ... attention to surprise, it hurts to oareilles ...

It makes great with any type of scraper (single or double boby swimming), and it's transparent desire, what a wonderful world ...
For cons, I personally see the difference with the lil switch according to different positions, and for that I drop a little note, jpense that it should be a little bit harder ...


2 years since I use it, it's great this pedal (like the Lawrence Ruquier tl), it works great and it is rather style in red ...
The price is CHRE but given the quality of the thing, close your eyes.
I would do without this choice hsiter.

Edit: For those who understand it, such as that described me, the representation of LR in this comment would not the second degree of homophobia, or racism (although I do not see).