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[NAMM] Pigtronix replaces its Echolution

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Pigtronix Echolution 2 Filter Pro
News Pigtronix Echolution 2 Filter Pro

Delay/Echo/Phrase Sampler for Guitar from Pigtronix belonging to the Echolution series

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Public price: $329 incl. VAT
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Pigtronix unveils at Summer NAMM today the new generation of its Echolution 2 delay pedals for guitar with the Ultra Pro and Filter Pro models.

The introduction of these two new Echolution 2 Ultra Pro and Filter Pro delay and filter pedals, that replace the Echolution 2 Basic and Deluxe effects respectively, comes with a new firmware for the previous models.

Both new Echolution 2 Ultra Pro and Filter Pro parallel delay and filter pedals received an improved USB port for easier connection to a computer and use of the software editor which was also enhanced and adds deeper edition features.

The Echolution 2 Ultra Pro features 30 effect algorithms that can be freely combined and controlled from an expression pedal and envelope mapping options are available via MIDI or the Mac/PC app in real time. A dual-digit preset indicator is also present on this new edition.

The Echolution 2 Filter Pro adds to the E2 Bqsic a multi-tap/tap division control as well as 8 new filter and pitch-shifted time-based effects.

Both new pedals will be available in August, Pigtronix announces prices of $449 for the Echolution 2 Ultra Pro and $329 for the Filter Pro version.

If you own the previous Echolution 2 versions, Pigtronix has released a new firmware (v2 build 78) that adds the following new features:

  • The delay level has been doubled and now provides up to 6 db
  • Ability to adjust the cutoff frequency for the default, LP and Tap filters ; each preset can have different settings for each filter
  • When the Global Tap is enabled, the delay time won’t be altered when changing preset
  • Copy all MIDI In data to MIDI out
  • Option that allows for ignoring the incoming MIDI clock
  • Modified power on options
  • Added two new special values to the Engage MIDI Controls in order to assign the current Engage State
  • A few fixes

You can download the new firmware for free from www.pigtronix.com.


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