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Boss TU-2 Chromatic Tuner
Boss TU-2 Chromatic Tuner
vlandrieu vlandrieu
Published on 08/19/06 at 05:06
PDAL a very practical, I would even need a pedal board.
Since I have my I verifies discrtement tuning between songs.
The display is clear and tuning is easy and prcisment.

The possibility chromatic BMOL and are well below your practice.

Works for bass as well.

Provided food for other pedals, I could just rcuprer EXAGRES the price of this tuner by selling my PSM-5.

Two inconvnients:
- The price ... hurt much to let go of a tuner, but it is sturdy, beautiful and practical.
- The other musicians who ask to be able to agree ... ahaha, I shot without stopping ...