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Korg DT-10
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«  infallible, indestructible, indispensable »

Published on 06/02/10 at 09:06
I use it for more than two years in pedalboard permanently connected.
I was looking for basically a tuner pedal format that can correctly detect serious bass (at the time, I played more on a 5 string given a tone lower), and allows for silent tuning.

The two major references to that time were the TD-10 and the Boss TU-2 at similar prices, I turned to Korg for better readability on stage.
The only downside for me is its size, a bit wide. That said, this is a false problem because the connection is on top of the pedal and it finally took place in less than a width Boss.
The price new is perhaps a little high because it's still just a tuner. Finally it remains in the same price range as the competition. We still find it quite easily by hand for less than 50 € (it takes little risk because the strength of the pedal).