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Vox AD30VT
Vox AD30VT
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xanne xanne
Published on 03/05/07 at 09:23
Everything has been said almost.

I changed the Hp for CELESTION G10 Vintage and it does! :-)
Only regret: no external speaker output (one can tinker with, but not great!)


Simple enough, but given the range of possibilities of sound, you get lost quickly.
Personally, I was on the site http://www.valvetronix.net/ to retrieve a bunch of presets already made with audio sample files, allowing beginners to find the sound that they necessary. I got one of my best book selections.

Petit point négatig: only two recordable presets (or 3 sonotités with manual sound). It's pretty low on that side.

Another reproach options tjs effects are not very easy to use (as well as the overdrive).


Here is really TOP! Phone, to Clapton, the disco, ZZ Top and Pink-Floyd. Anything is possible.
And simulations are actually REAL.

VOX But Mister, you can not make them a little larger your bowls (12 "for example), because the only criticism one can make to this amp is to be limited to HP 10 ".


I've had a year and have a blast with bcp.
However, I look at the AD60VT AD60VTX or used, in order to keep the quality of the simulations (bluffing), but switch to 12 ", and had more backing stores.

But why have halted production ????? Another mystery of Master VOX!