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Ibanez TS10 Tube Screamer Classic
Ibanez TS10 Tube Screamer Classic

Overdrive pedal from Ibanez belonging to the 10 series

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tiep tiep
Published on 09/29/05 at 02:52
Pretty easy to use: a drive, a tone and volume .... finally as almost all ^ ^ what overdrive


It must be pretty drunk to not understand how it works: you plug the guitar in, it connects to the amp on out, you press the switch and go
the manual is useless
access to the battery with a trap on the top seems well thought out


Bought a few weeks ago, this pedal parrait me very interesting for several reasons
First, it is equipped with the famous chip, and there's nothing to say it sounds!
Then, the gain, which is very progressive, ranging from just barely saturated saturated
finally it saturates quite thoroughly, but not really bézef
basically we have a wide range of low saturation
Finally, compared to a TS9 and others, it has nothing to do, I think we are much closer to srv as the mediums are less present and the sound seems thinner
In any case, I find it complements very well my TS9, it is neither better nor worse, but the sound is much cleaner without being aggressive


The -: the look for some really retro
the +:-the retro look (I love)
-Sound !!!!!