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OTO introduces three new effects

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OTO BAM - Space Generator
News OTO BAM - Space Generator

Reverb from OTO

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Bim, Bam and Boum are the three new effect modules OTO Machines will launch at the end of the year.

OTO Machines unveiled a trio of effect units, respectively the BIM Poetic Repeater delay, BAM Space Generator reverb and BOUM Warming Unit compressor.

  • BIM – Poetic Repeater is a 12-bit delay (up to 2 seconds in stereo) with modulation (several waveforms available), separate hipass & lowpass filters for the delay signal and the feedback path, extra FXs (Reverse, Flanger, Dual Head, Distortion, …). It also features True 12-bit converters, analog filters, compander & feedback paths, as well as TAP and FREEZE function. Delay can be synced to MIDI Clock.
  • BAM – Space Generator is a digital reverberator inspired by the early 80's 16-bit units (EMT250, Lexicon 224,…). Several algorithms including Halls, Rooms, Space, weirdos, springs, resonators… are available and you can adjust the pre-delay to up to 1 second. A “Drive” pot lets you distort the input of the reverb.
  • BOUM – Warming Unit is an analog compressor with tube emulation, octave, soft and hard distortion, followed by a 3 mode-2 pole Biscuit filter. The compressor features Mode, Attack and Release settings; an envelope generator (normal or inverse) let’s you create envelope filters or envelope levelers and the distortion circuit is specially designed for synths, loops, drums…

All units have stereo I/O, MIDI input (CCs for all parameters, Beat Clock, Pgm Change), true hardware relay bypass and 36 user presets.

Price for each unit will be about 325 euros (excluding VAT) and release is planned for 2014 Q4.

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