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Akai Professional MPC3000
Akai Professional MPC3000
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Published on 08/10/04 at 14:47
Squenceur good, the only regret as the small size of the screen to the habitus of squenceurs software but with time one gets done.
The connection is sufficient 2 midi in and midi out etc. 4 ....


Not easier, Quick Start ... thank you designers and ingnieurs who thought the machine to an intuitive ... not need to come out of IRCAM matriser for the mpc 3000.


I think it has to have accomplices in the daily sp 1200, the 808 and very good drumlinn because the mpc 3000 does almost no grain to the sound. She Relva, that's all. It's the baking powder that makes up your patties.
Assuming that you sample from an old BCAN 12 bits, I put 10 ... otherwise, only the mpc 3000 is 6 / 10 for sound.


Glad and free as the baker's yeast, I can not do without. J'espre she leave me if ppin fincancier because it is expensive unfortunately ...