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Marshall MG30DFX
Marshall MG30DFX
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Stef-Alex Stef-Alex
Published on 02/22/10 at 12:19
Transistor amplifier 30watts. (But the principle of the transistor means he must leave a margin basically the right sound you get up to 15 Watts in its metal and up to 20 in the crunch or clean, for rehearsals I use this amp and I cranked the sound of the 30/30 shot is a bit ugly but at least I get almost)

Y has two channels: Clean and Distortion.

I take off points because this amp can not play metal, I was forced to buy an effects pedal in addition to the shot, I also removed because the sound is not beautiful beyond 20 watts


Very simple configuration, there must also be said to 500 buttons ...
The manual does not serve much use when you have no experience in the field of effects ...
Readily obtained a good sound.


Gee I said earlier, without pedals with this amp can not play metal! For those who are not interested in this style of music if there are no worries it does the rest.
After the sound depends heavily on pickups you so I can not say more needs to be tested.

I take off points because of its metal nonexistent.


I've had it about 3 years (this is my first amplifier).

What I like about the amp? Bah what is an amp, it comes out the sound.
I do not like the sound metal! (Yes I will not let you go).

Value for money? It is good enough, then I'll have the opportunity personal thinking before I buy it to save money.

With experience you do again this election?
No, it does not suit my style of music and it's expensive effects pedals has.

If you do not play metal, this amp will be great for you there is no problem it's a great amp!

I detach myself from this amp and my pedal to buy an amp all-in-one with more power, because 30 watts is to train at home but repeated if nag your mixer (such as mine) Do you get almost nothing, and forgets all concerts now!