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< All Fender Standard Stratocaster [1990-2005] reviews
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Fender Standard Stratocaster [1990-2005]
Fender Standard Stratocaster [1990-2005]
MGR/jonanthan wilkus MGR/jonanthan wilkus

« Fender Mexican Strat »

Published on 02/26/02 at 15:00
I got this guitar for 50 bucks off a co-worker. It's probably the 10th electric giutar I've acquired in my 6 years of playing. When i got it i fell in love with the feel , LIKE A GLOVE..

I can go anywhere with the fretboard , kind of like this old peavey bass I used to have. Since I got this particular instrument I have been studying music with a lot more love. I would like to say it's because of the sound but it's not , it's the time we have together.

If i have to say something bad about her , she's a little dirty. However mentioning that i think I'll clean her up tonight.

It's in great condition although the spings connecting the wamie and the bridge are a little tight.

I can't say it's the best unit I've played but god damn I've written the best songs on it. I sure would like to get a bass to accompany her but then again recording time would be nice to.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com