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Jackson KVX10 King V
Jackson KVX10 King V

V/XPL/FB Shaped Guitar from Jackson belonging to the X series

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Wing-Anh LUY Wing-Anh LUY
Published on 05/23/10 at 13:12
Guitar from Japan
Jackson easel good qualitée
24 frets
micro fair
1 Volume 1 tonnalitée a pickup selector


wide, flat handle enjoyable to play I could play on the ibanez is more flat and narrow and a bit less flat ESP and I prefer the narrow neck jackson ergonomics is not really the shape is beautiful the weight very slightly tend to fall access to acute sucks you get a good sound even when it compensates


sounds scaffold change the pickups, it suits my style of music I play usually with fairly heavy distortion a nice clean sound microphones are basic good without either breaking bricks I always duncan basic scaffold over which change absolutely because they are lame but remains above the average cheap microphones even when it is correct that sustain it but hey there 's best short I tested with 2 EMG 18 volts above and we will see ^ ^


I use it since December 2009, I test an ESP LTD F-2E before, they are not comparable level sonoritée in this guitar I would say that is the price + its characteristic generally short, she is a very well again as a choice I do not buy it because for 80-90 euros more you can get a randy R of the same mark in alder with seymour duncan TB-4 and SH-2 but has 22 frets but I would do this μ_μ purchase gladly x) frankly in a price range of about 550 euros to 400 I'd say she remains in the best guitars of this price (although I did not test masses instead ^ ^)