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Fender Vaporizer

Fender Vaporizer

Tube Combo Guitar Amp from Fender belonging to the Pawn Shop Special series

3 reviews
Public price: $549 incl. VAT

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Value For Money : Excellent

Space, the infinite frontier ....

Fender VaporizerPublished on 06/09/14 at 13:56
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
Combo lamp power 12W with 2 12AX7 preamp and 2 EL84 power tube Groove brand.
2 Input (Normal and bright) a volume, tone and reverb spring has independent circuit.
2 speakers 10 inch Fender design delivers sound
This is a single channel with integrated zero effect, just the volume, bass / acute tone and control of reverb.
short, there is little more summary, far from big factories oriented its gas (it's not about him).
Very well built for the Low cost (made in china), the coating is applied perfectly on my copy (surf green) control plate aluminum (or imitation) a small effect. handling checks and other switch is serious, short, very good quality perceived. (For the price of...…
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Combo lamp power 12W with 2 12AX7 preamp and 2 EL84 power tube Groove brand.
2 Input (Normal and bright) a volume, tone and reverb spring has independent circuit.
2 speakers 10 inch Fender design delivers sound
This is a single channel with integrated zero effect, just the volume, bass / acute tone and control of reverb.
short, there is little more summary, far from big factories oriented its gas (it's not about him).
Very well built for the Low cost (made in china), the coating is applied perfectly on my copy (surf green) control plate aluminum (or imitation) a small effect. handling checks and other switch is serious, short, very good quality perceived. (For the price of course)
Ambience kitchissime so for this nice combo that brings us straight to the early 60's, time or rockets still resembled big cigars, lasers could reduce a man in ash, Turbotraction Spirou was the vehicle of the future and explorers of space dressed in Courrèges.
So if you're a fan of B-52's and their single "planet claire" combo that is right for you hair in terms of design as sound.
If you're not, and if the next shift you off you may pass next to a nice amp. And it would be a shame.


With so little control, use is actually very simple.un button per share (volume / tone / reverb) and a footswitch to switch mode "vaporizer". Mean by that, "everything thoroughly!" Indeed, this mode bypass the volume and tone directly to send the max. So close Roar and then everything manages volume knob of the guitar.
Note the possibility to connect an external speaker to 8 ohm. and very fashionable space or cutting the volume and tone, and adjusting the reverb to max so its a very cavernous Dick Dale meet the cramps are obtained ....
It is a mono channel so the sound is always more or less the same color. Whether clear or Roar mode, the sound is always dynamic, hard-hitting.
Small flat, and yes, nothing is parfais ... the amp is a bit noisy, it buzzes a bit when you approach a bit too simple with Bob, but it's still "manageable" especially as soon as one is a 3/4 m of the beast.
To my shit disturber, it is regrettable that the footswitch supplied, does not include the onset of reverb, the trigger mode vaporizer does not pass by the footswitch, to switch on the control panel and finally, a reducing power would have been nice.


and the sound then? What kind of music can you play with a machine straight out of the Enterprise. well actually not bad thing ...
clean sounds are quite fleshy, do not twist the ears (even with the Danelectro lipsticks), Tone control is quite effective even if there is only a single knob, they adhere well enough guitars, the amp is not absolutely uniform sound, if you want the soft or velvety, the les paul or explore sound good round, very nice for jazz and blues licks. with the Riviera and 57 is very round, a beautifully deep sound.
flagrant with my TV and humbucker in the neck and simple easel, a soft rounded side on the other percussive and nervous.
But again, this is an old amp low power (12W), so a high volume, crunch it fast enough. Even with single coils.
Note that the small sounds really loud for a 12W, my ex Champ 25 SE sent less far in my memory for double the power.
With that crunch P90 even faster, use the volume knob compulsory guitar!
A mid stroke volume, crunch it live, although Raw, ideal for playing stones in exile, for example.
And then comes the time when one wonders what has just serve the switch that is connected and supports hop on over there ..... and GRAAOUUUU POWER!
Wholesale you find yourself at stopper, with a crunch XXL, see downright overdrive, very well broadcast by both 10 inches.
The SG Junior has won this game favors the jury, closely followed by the venerable Ampeg and great pickup.
Finally, with the old UE300 is already a beautiful wedding, the TS9 overdrive allows a human volume for home and CS9 sounds good on beautifully clear sound. (Strat + + CS9 Fender clean sound .... Yum)


I use it recently, and besides I did not choose, it's a gift.
A nice surprise ... so I would have probably never bought myself, not for the sound, but the design is still quite special. far enough from the usual standard Fender or brands that I usually use.
But I love despite his look (owl couple with Dano pro, totally in the spirit I have had to take the green too ...), sound universe, build quality very carefully (for the low cost is agreed, it is not in Paul Rivera either ...) and then the sound issued reminds me that old musicmaster I owned it there's a quarter century and I loved (12W memory as the ancestor, but distributed by 12 inches and not 2x10 as the vaporizer).
As mentioned earlier, I would have liked a few options "comfort" as an integrated attenuator or control reverb on the footswitch, but hey, it's not bad like that.
a little quieter too, it was not bad.
But overall, it really is a great amp that delivers very serious tones, away from little gadget as it looks suggest. it is not directed to everyone, but for those who want a tube amp with a spring reverb delivering beautiful clear sound, juicy crunch and organic overdrive for blues or classic rock Burne is an option to consider.
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A real character

Fender VaporizerPublished on 01/30/14 at 12:57
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
Any lamp with two 10 hp "two entrances. Normal and bright (it reminded me of my HIWATT Custom 100, sniff) 12 w that beat up and real spring reverb is what is rare or very rare today..


We obtain immediately a sound and what a sound! Tele with a slap and the Stratt we just make a ptiy cuckoo Mr. srv!
I play for a few hours and I sprayed ...


it is suitable for many style of old school blues to rock to funky rhythmic well just choose brigth or normal and play the tone.


I had an AC15C1 that I sold because no real character, excelsior t works very well I must say that this vaporizer just out will surprise one and certainly a princeton sound...…
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Any lamp with two 10 hp "two entrances. Normal and bright (it reminded me of my HIWATT Custom 100, sniff) 12 w that beat up and real spring reverb is what is rare or very rare today..


We obtain immediately a sound and what a sound! Tele with a slap and the Stratt we just make a ptiy cuckoo Mr. srv!
I play for a few hours and I sprayed ...


it is suitable for many style of old school blues to rock to funky rhythmic well just choose brigth or normal and play the tone.


I had an AC15C1 that I sold because no real character, excelsior t works very well I must say that this vaporizer just out will surprise one and certainly a princeton sound perhaps a little better and although the "spray" is very typical and needs to be explored further for a long time I think ...
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Excellent little amp

Fender VaporizerPublished on 01/26/14 at 11:59
(This content has been automatically translated from French)
It is an all-tube amp (two 12AX7 and two EL 84) is Asia's Pawn Shop Series Fender
It is given to 12W (and it sounds loud!)
It has two entrances: one normal and Bright
3 settings: volume, tone and reverb
And in addition the "Vaporizer" which bridges all settings and makes your amp background!

There is no line out or effects loop, or output for additional speaker, you can disconnect the 2 * 10 'for another speaker impedance 8 ohms


Good use: you plug it turns playing. it happens very quickly to have the sound for us.

It is really not difficult to get a clear sound in the registry, blues or rock that is sought

there is a manual ... I traveled after using the...…
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It is an all-tube amp (two 12AX7 and two EL 84) is Asia's Pawn Shop Series Fender
It is given to 12W (and it sounds loud!)
It has two entrances: one normal and Bright
3 settings: volume, tone and reverb
And in addition the "Vaporizer" which bridges all settings and makes your amp background!

There is no line out or effects loop, or output for additional speaker, you can disconnect the 2 * 10 'for another speaker impedance 8 ohms


Good use: you plug it turns playing. it happens very quickly to have the sound for us.

It is really not difficult to get a clear sound in the registry, blues or rock that is sought

there is a manual ... I traveled after using the amp all day .... there really useless .. no trick, no suggested setting (along with three buttons ...)


This is an amp for Jazz, Blues and Rock nice, saturation is beautiful and not too aggressive (even "vaporiezr" mode!

I play with an Epiphone Joe Pass and Southwestern strat pickups mounted with Benedetti strativarius. In Jazz I get a warm sound, soft bones slightly distorted if I want, it works thunder!

With the strat, I use the Bright input and I play the tone for sound funck or bluesy.

I have it connected yet no pedal because I do not like it.

In summary we obtain a crystal clear sound or bold depending on what is desired, the amp is very dynamic.

It is of great versatility.
Saturations are very nice.


I week I'm happy for the scene, I repiquerai with a microphone
I tried several amps: pro junior blah, hot road deluxe: too aggressive.

I like the sound claret light saturation of this amp, his versatility in the style that I play

The value for money is escellent

a small flat for the lack of effects loop for those who love art or other chorus it's a shame (the reverb is itself beautiful.

PS I will return in a few days for a SHIFT after her first scene
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Tech. sheet

  • Manufacturer: Fender
  • Model: Vaporizer
  • Series: Pawn Shop Special
  • Category: Tube Combo Guitar Amps
  • Added in our database on: 12/30/2013

We have no technical specifications for this product
but your help will be much welcomed


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