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Apple Powerbook G4 1,5 GHz Combo 512 12"

All user reviews for the Apple Powerbook G4 1,5 GHz Combo 512 12"

Apple Laptop from Apple belonging to the PowerBook series

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  • musicmansebmusicmanseb

    Apple Powerbook G4 1,5 GHz Combo 512 12"Published on 10/03/05 at 15:15
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I got my Powerbook there is a little less than a month and I am more than satisfied. Tests with Reason and Live are very conclusive.
    I especially like Mac OSX is really the best OS is being done. It is very stable and perfect for computer music.
    I spent years on PC and I'm not ready to return. Apple machines are for me what is best for making music.
    It is true that the ordinaterus were a bit expensive, but when you see the results, we do not regret the purchase.
    There Yune only thing I regret not having bought one before ...