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PreSonus StudioLive 16.4.2
PreSonus StudioLive 16.4.2

Digital Mixer from PreSonus belonging to the StudioLive series

fgrillet fgrillet

«  More than Live Studio but what live! »

Published on 03/03/12 at 14:06
Rackée console for a small adjustment in a flight case RoadReady 19R, it allows us to record live with extreme ease via the Firewire port. Unlike its big sister, 16.4.2 does not seem to suffer from reliability problems and the updates of firmware that have made improvements over time.


The use is childish and the user manual (in French) is full of interesting information. Everything is easily accessible and management via Iphone is just bluffing and further simplifies use.


Live, preamps are effective and are now six auxiliary equalizable. However, it is best to make adjustments through the connected computer or, even better, via the iPad.

Not observed significant blows.


Used for 3 years for various concerts, it has never caused a problem. Digital brings the benefits of incorporating the fact that all settings: gate, compression, equalization ... The conversion quality is perhaps not the best for use in the studio but is still quite sufficient for the concerts.

The price / quality ratio is quite impressive compared to many opportunities and settings for the console. Personally, I find no equivalence in the market unless Mackie is considering proposing its new 1608D as a rack. To be considered for rotation with an even more compact ;-)