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Boss BR-1180/1180CD Digital Recording Studio
Boss BR-1180/1180CD Digital Recording Studio

Digital Multrack-studio from Boss belonging to the BR series

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Published on 04/22/03 at 01:55
I'm a bit lazy for CHARACTERISTICS but a word is everything for this price!


For use, it's BOSS / ROLAND: very easy, simple, really no worries. Manual in French trs well. In short it is not the twisted logic of Yamaha.


The sound is good trs trs: clear clean good momentum. Are several recording quality. The rglages are effective EQ, Chorus .. The REV is a little mtalliques. The effects of simulation gniaux guitars are a lot of work but it must sound, otherwise it sounds digital and cold trs. I have a fender stratocaster us, as it is crystal trs, it reinforces the brilliance too. You have to play the EQ to correct.
on the other hand must mfier at ENR. We must adjust the levels of: guitar, microphone, CD player. Otherwise it is: saturation, breath, glitch ... But it gives a clean all records! . The CD is great.


A great machine, if I Rasht again! I really bluff but friends with: seq yamaha for the rhythmic beats, guitar, vocals .. I burn and it gniall. A list of issues ngatifs, I would say qd same: the design is plastok the wheel of the game, the big leds are ugly, especially the sounds of the rhythm box is pathetic my taste. But in fact I use that as ENR mixer so I do not care.
In fact, the big problem I have is that I'm not ingnieur sound, and I stop fighting with no EQ, balance, Stereo, in short, common problem while those who do home studio!