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Steinberg Cubase 7
Steinberg Cubase 7

General Sequencer from Steinberg belonging to the Cubase series

varese from nylon varese from nylon

«  Composer mixer »

Published on 02/16/13 at 16:42
Installation: up date for me and obligation to reinstall W7 because it blocked in 64 bits. Then no problem.
Manual englisjh videos but helping the intuition


P4 4 GB of Ram
W7 Pro 64-bit
Smooth operation, stable after reformatting


Since Qqs days. I'm on Cubase for a while and I'm changing quîest'interessante.
Ergonomics is very good, nice and new console hyperfunctioning
The track is really interesting chords to create and track the harmonic grid, it simplifies the composition on the fly mingling of teaching, I love this feature!.