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Thread Redrum problems in Reason 3.0

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1 Redrum problems in Reason 3.0
Reason 3.0

I cannot get my drums in redrum device to record onto a track. Other devices like Synth's will no problem. Anyone know what is up???
The Redrum can be sequenced in 2 different ways:

1. Using the pattern section of the sequencer (it is the yellow coloured one, with a1, a2, etc. in the dropdowns.) You use this method by selecting a pattern from the dropdown box, and using the pencil tool to draw your pattern (like you would draw a note). Your redrum has 8 patterns per letter which you can use with up to 64 steps per pattern. Right beside the big RUN button is A,B,C,D and 1-8 buttons. To select pattern b-6, you'd click both B and 6. To play this pattern in your song, you'd draw B-6 in the sequencer.

2. When you have a beat programmed into the Redrum, you can right-click in the empty space near the big RUN button and you'll see the option "Copy Pattern to Track". This will take your pattern and convert it to "notes" on your Redrum sequencer track. To use this function, select the redrum Sequencer track, then adjust your L> and
If you don't have the Redrum sequencer track selected, you'll get a "You are about to copy a pattern to a different track" warning. If your Redrum is inside a Combi, then it's ok to select the combinator track and hit ok. If you've got a Subtractor or something selected then just click Cancel and select the proper redrum track. Although, I have been known to come across a few interesting patterns when I accidentally copied the pattern to a different instrument......

(related to #2, you can do the same for the Matrix programmer. Useful if you want to copy an arpeggio to another instrument, or a CV manipulation)

When i started Reason, I didn't use patterns. I used a single 16-step pattern in my redrum. After a while, I figured out the Pattern section of the sequencer, and now I only use "copy to track".

Hope this helps
:) Yes it helped... some of it I knew some I didnt... Thanks!!!