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Thread Looking for Software

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Topic Looking for Software
Iv been playing guitar for awhile now and im getting bored with just playing. I wanna take it up to the next level and record myself on my computer. Im looking for a software that would be able to record guitar,bass guitar, and maybe vocals but i just dont have the time to sort through all of the options out there. I need some suggestions on software that would be good for me
Id also like to maybe burn the music on to CDs to make demos
I am also a guitar player who recently got into recording with very limited knowledge. I bought Cakewalk Home Studio 2004XL and it has been relatively easy to learn. I've got the basic recording down just trying to learn how to mix, and what comes after recording. This software has all the tools to make a very good finished product. Cakewalk also makes a recording software just for guitarists. Check out Cakewalks website for more info. If you are wondering about price I bought the software brand new in Dec. for $150 bucks. Hope this helps.

If you want a cheap (eg free!) entry fee, you can pick up the UK magazine Computer Music - http://www.computermusic.co.uk . Once you have played around with their free studio software, and have determined exactly what you want to do, then you can move up to something a bit more full featured, yet with a beter knowledge as to what you are looking for.

There is also a posting on here regarding freeware music recording software, so you might want to go and find that.

As the previous poster said, Cakewalk is a great choice if you want to go ahead and jump right in, as they have software that spans the gamut as far as features and price points go.

Good luck, and welcome to the world of home recording!
One of the best programs I've used is Cool Edit Pro 2.0
It's very easy to use once you understand what you are doing. You can record whatever you want and save it to wav., mp3, etc.
I highly recommend this software, so check it out.

Just an FYI- Adobe bought Cool Edit Pro. It's now called Adobe Audition. I agree about this software too, I got it with my adobe studio package!
I've used both the "Cool Edit"/Adobe version, and cakewalk programs. I was able to pick up both quickly and turn out some awesome work. I stand behind both products, but was more intrigued by Cakewalk's Home Studio or Sonar3 products.

Quote: Im looking for a software that would be able to record guitar,bass guitar, and maybe vocals but i just dont have the time to sort through all of the options out there. I need some suggestions on software that would be good for me

Just a word of warning: If you do not have time to soprt through available software, there is a good chance that you do not have time for computer based recording. Its a massive time suck for beginners and experts. YOu may also want to consider some non computer options.