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MXR M133 Micro Amp
MXR M133 Micro Amp
Serial riffer Serial riffer
Published on 05/29/06 at 16:43
The effect is a signal boostage intended to increase its volume for the lead parts, or to adjust the signal to the amp when changing guitar (humbucker / single coil). A third mode of use is to place this pedal constantly lit at the end of a long-chaining of various effects pedals to make the signal dynamics that would have degraded during the various in / out.


I think we can not be simpler ... the effect has a gain knob for the determination of desired level of boost. The connector consists of an in & out and a power supply sector. Of course a switch to (dis) engage the effect. Manual clear and comprehensive, even if there is not much to say, given the ease of use of the machine.


In fact, the impact of micro amp mainly depends on two things:

Its place in-chaining and especially the fact that it is placed before or after the distortion
-From the amount of gain you use on your amp.

For my part, I tried this pedal in conditions strong enough away from my setup (stock the store requires ...). I tried it on a fender twin amp saturated with a Wylde overdrive. The seller has exposed me as the idea that I intended to connect the front of my amp, he was placed in the micro amp overdrive and returning from the amp. And indeed, in this config, it works as described partout.Le signal is boosted in dB, so do not push the knob too far, it means more than enough for the lead.
But of course it did not work the same on my Soldano ... why? Well, simply because of the much higher gain of the head compared to the Wylde overdrive.
And I could not find any of this increase in power to be heard solo. While the sound became a bit more "punchy" but it was really too subtle to be noticed in a group situation. (If not ... no need)

But ... where I should be disappointed, I actually found that this pedal could be used even further, as a real complementary channel really useful.
Thus, by connecting a channel on my set wholesale crunch, I just hallucinated: A 0 it goes to nothing, and I rode the gain knob,
over the volume went up in proportion to the volume of the amp ... Normal, what, since there are no masses of distos ... but what do I have to fuck a lead sound with little distortion ... Huh ...? Honestly? O)

But the past 2 / 3 of the race knob, the term "gain" is (well ..: o)
its meaning: The swollen spectrum while becoming frighteningly accurate. I rang a huge canal in huge, really great for stoner rock rhythm that I like. His precise, crisp, no hum or whistle even at high volume, incredibly sharp. In fact, I found something in the spirit of the channel through orange found on the dual recto pages, a huge crunch like a little cocaine to the Foo Fighters!

This rediscovery of my amp allowed me to spend my 2nd channel will exclusively lead by adjusting the gain and volume accurately, which did not displease me!


I use it for a week and has already repeated three and a concert. I really have absolutely no complaints about this pedal that I use for it. I use very few of the clean (no I'm not a fag) and relatively few of the lead too (no I'm not Yngwie). And the micro amp allowed me to catch the ITS I needed for my large rhythm in my group so that it became my main grain used 95% in what I play. I tried many different things to boost my crunch (overdrive, booster, equalizer ...) but it distorted my signal and especially the grain Soldano is still fun, at the base (^^). But the sound is there ... ... ... enhancer is simply magical and extraordinary musicality.

Anyway ... I'm a fan!

The value for money is correct, although the system seems very simple ... but ... MXR's still the good stuff that sells easily at a price not too revised tumbles.

I certainly would not make that choice if I had tried this pedal on a high gain amp in the store because at the base, I was looking for a stomp box allowing me to boost my sound in dB for leads ... but with the experience, I really started to realize that everything is complicated considerably when it comes to boosting a high gain amp. The ideal is dedicated to another amp, or more realistically, another channel that alone.
And mxr, by necessity, led me to do that, and I'm really happy ... I had one here ... I have a 2CH 3CH ...