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MXR M116 Fullbore Metal
MXR M116 Fullbore Metal
guigue106 guigue106

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Published on 09/30/14 at 13:51
the effect available? : Depending on the game each
edition? you turn the knobs you test and you feel t ADVISED!
lamp? oO
technology? I would say a former


a turn of the knob there is nothing easier!


efficiency? frankly departing J stays in the background has the "scoop" but actually ca serve me not for my style of music (progressive metal)

I update with lots of stuff:

musciman JP50, Ibanez jpm p3, ibanez jem 7v and other rg 3120 .....

j hooks not scoop too aggressive for my game ....


How long have you use it?
about 1 year

What thing do you like most and least?
the scoop

Have you tried many other models before buying it?
mt2, ds2, Tubeman 2 and other distortion Ina ....

How would you rate the quality / price?
departing a little tank because I wanted THE big sound via the scoop "on" but not impossible to have (too death / black), in the end I am delivered and I have "exploded" the medium (yes I am 10) to have a nice bump and a cozy well with my vai sound. it is clear, precise cutting on a mesa recto say (hey I'm plugged into the clean of a peavey Rockmaster preamp with mxr distortion and go out on guitar rigg with a pair of speakers jbl lsr 2300 monitoring it helps ^^ ) day I frankly all I want and I love this potato straighter and net it gives me the 2 mt seems bland next to, opposite the al Rondat LNA allows me to put me in a register more rock " satrianesque "qand I want to do" simple "

With experience, you do again this choice? ...

Yes twice that a meme, although the noise gate serve me anything (I have a decimator upstream) I find it frankly more interesting than its sister the mt2 that it actually remains bland and "muscle" next to. my config allowed to think that I will play on a true mesa head if I unveiled my not "secret", a very nice surprise when trying to do simple and effective, is more than a test with JP50 to see the grain and rendering with crunch lab and LiquiFire.

great stuff if you have what it takes upstream!