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MXL 909
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Published on 03/11/10 at 01:18
The MXL 909 is a large diaphragm condenser microphone, aimed at users looking for a cheap microphone to use in their home recording studio. It isn't really suited for any other type of use, and I wouldn't use it in a professional studio at all. The mic has a cardioid pick up pattern and will pick up frequencies between 25 Hz and 20 kHz. When you buy the 909 new, it comes with both a shock mount and a carrying case.


I've only used the MXL 909 one time in a friend's home studio, and really wasn't very impressed. I was curious to hear it, as the price of the mic really can't be beat. It doesn't get all that much cheaper than the 909 out there, so I'm sure this will be a big attraction for home studio owners out there looking for a budget large diaphragm condenser. While the MXL 909 will work fine for recording demos or getting ideas down, if you're looking to record something that you can sell or even just for distribution, I wouldn't suggest using this mic. It can be used for any type of application where you would want a large diaphragm mic, but I can't say that I would necessarily recommend it for one thing over another. It is simply put a decent a best all purpose condenser mic. The price is really the only thing that will attract people to the 909, but if you're considering it I would encourage you to check out some other microphones out there in the one to two hundred US dollars range, as there are plenty of others to be had out there that are better than this one in my opinion. The bottom line with the MXL 909 is that you can't expect too much from the mic since it is so cheap, but these days there are a lot of mics out there in this price range that you can expect more from...