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Electro-Harmonix Ravish Sitar
Electro-Harmonix Ravish Sitar
benten808 benten808

«  stimulating pedal. »

Published on 01/14/12 at 08:23
Complex effect combining intelligent pitch shifting, modulation and analysis / control of the envelope to make an emulation of sitar and other sounds typed.
The pedal emulates the tone of the strings of a sitar and reproduces the resonant sympathetic strings of the original instrument. Importantly, we just define the reference range of "sympathetic strings" and more, set individual tuning of each.
The whole is crowned with level controls for sound dry, the sound of "lead rope" and emulated the sound of "sympathetic strings". Two settings define the stamp made of metal strings emulated.
I think it should be a combined digital-analog.
Presets are supplied and programmed sounds can be saved.
Not possible with a computer interface.


The use is a little unusual and the reduced number of controls on the front makes using a bit confusing at first.
The manual is provided in English, however well designed and concise. The first use of a preset is in a page.
In good synth enthusiast, I like to handle this kind of machines. But I think the principle of publishing the pedal can put off those of us who like things "straight forward".


I'm not sure how realistic emulation. But the record is undeniably exotic and beautiful.
The effect made by the emulation of sympathetic strings is very troubling. It is difficult to discern these vibrations very distinct, but a note placed outside the reference range you selected will be distinguished by a frank disharmony in your entire party. Very special to grasp.
I used it effectively with the micro acute and a Les Paul with a simple hohner G3T.
I love the effect rendering.


I have since yesterday. This effect is unique, I have heard anything like it so far. EHX has not made fun of its clientele, this is for people who want something new in sound design for guitar and there you have something really new and music at hand. Few controls for a complex effect, the implementation can put off for good reason.
I am delighted with the result.