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Korg M01

All user reviews for the Korg M01

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  • AlanForPresidentAlanForPresident

    You can use it ANYWHERE!

    Korg M01Published on 07/31/12 at 23:46
    It really doesn’t get more portable than using Korg’s M01. You can literally put this on your DS and put it right in your pocket and have a fully functional VST with you at all times no matter when or where you go somewhere. I have been using this almost since it first came out, in fact I purchased it about 2 months after it came out because it was a bit expensive for a music game , so I wanted to wait to see if I could get it one sale. The manual is very easy to understand, but the manual was not needed, I just like to play around until I figure things out, and it was just a matter of understanding the interface and layout of everything.


    This runs perfe…
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    It really doesn’t get more portable than using Korg’s M01. You can literally put this on your DS and put it right in your pocket and have a fully functional VST with you at all times no matter when or where you go somewhere. I have been using this almost since it first came out, in fact I purchased it about 2 months after it came out because it was a bit expensive for a music game , so I wanted to wait to see if I could get it one sale. The manual is very easy to understand, but the manual was not needed, I just like to play around until I figure things out, and it was just a matter of understanding the interface and layout of everything.


    This runs perfect on any DS , you will have no problems getting started with it, you might have a learning curve though if you are a beginner and if you aren’t a beginner it might take some getting use to because you will be working on a much smaller screen than you computer screen is. Placing midi notes into the play list one a small DS screen was a little weird and difficult for me. Toshio Iwai was the official designer of how the software would look, he did one heck of a job getting it to look very professional on a gaming device. I have not seen these in Gamestop for a while now, I still wonder if they still make them?


    I am very happy with my 45 dollar investment in getting this for my DS. It is unreal the stuff you can do on M01. Who would have thought that you could do all of this stuff on a Nintendo DS. Technology has really taken a turn with this one. I hope they come out with more software for DS like this, purchasing this is a decision that I am still happy about to this day.
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  • darrybooperdarrybooper

    A synth in your pocket 1990

    Korg M01Published on 03/04/11 at 04:43
    1 photo
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Yes, no pb


    Yes, that nickel


    3 months, this app has the advantage of making agreements with respect to Korg DS10 on the other hand they removed part pitch, slide, edition of the synth removed by me opportunities sound interesting expressions.

    The sequence is changed as Korg + DS10, and we can make music more built since the sequencer offers more track and pattern.

    I'll make an album with!

    Otherwise pending'll listen and buy! Albums on my Korg DS10:


    I am currently working on other albums, videos with the same mindset, minimalist means.

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    Yes, no pb


    Yes, that nickel


    3 months, this app has the advantage of making agreements with respect to Korg DS10 on the other hand they removed part pitch, slide, edition of the synth removed by me opportunities sound interesting expressions.

    The sequence is changed as Korg + DS10, and we can make music more built since the sequencer offers more track and pattern.

    I'll make an album with!

    Otherwise pending'll listen and buy! Albums on my Korg DS10:


    I am currently working on other albums, videos with the same mindset, minimalist means.

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  • betamaxbetamax

    A rich man's toy, complete, usable and futuristic

    Korg M01Published on 12/15/10 at 16:19
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    The principle is somewhat similar to the DS-10, but the sound editing became almost nonexistent, just a rompler (filters on percussion, attack and release on the synths, 2 master effects, very little editing) , but consider it as a groovebox with the best sounds of the original M1.
    I never touched it except the legacy software version, so I can not comment on the difference of grain.
    But the spirit of his M1 is there. Do not expect to do with the industrial. It sounds very early 80's late 90's, very Kylie Minogue, Rick Astley, etc. ...
    Editing is simple, we can move groups of notes in the pattern, adjust the velocity and the gate of notes, duplicate patterns ...

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    The principle is somewhat similar to the DS-10, but the sound editing became almost nonexistent, just a rompler (filters on percussion, attack and release on the synths, 2 master effects, very little editing) , but consider it as a groovebox with the best sounds of the original M1.
    I never touched it except the legacy software version, so I can not comment on the difference of grain.
    But the spirit of his M1 is there. Do not expect to do with the industrial. It sounds very early 80's late 90's, very Kylie Minogue, Rick Astley, etc. ...
    Editing is simple, we can move groups of notes in the pattern, adjust the velocity and the gate of notes, duplicate patterns ...


    The impression that the dynamic is a little soft, but I could be wrong with my low-end speakers. Very credible anyway, provided you have a little imagination and delve into the sound library to blend sounds.
    Very refreshing. Digital Sounds dry, but alive.

    A big thank you to


    Nobuyoshi Sano and his entire team once again, a great job, thought and designed a marvel.
    A toy / workstation avant-garde, a good compromise halfway between the old vintage workstation that could snap at any moment and vst pc that can become boring.
    When is a Juno DS-106 or a Yamaha DSX 7?
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