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[Musikmesse] Modartt Updates Pianoteq 3

Modartt has announced the release of version 3.6 of Pianoteq.
Besides including a new K1 Grand Piano, version 3.6 lets you decide where to store your add-ons and fxp file settings. It also changes the way it names plug-in files in order to avoid future upgrade problems.

K1 Grand Piano
Modartt says that this new instrument, produced in the Modartt virtual piano factory, “combines stunning dynamics, sharp attacks and powerful fortissimos with a very nice woody percussive quality. Its natural clarity and elegance invite you to immediate improvisation. The exquisite subtlety of its tonal shading works beautifully in audio recording and make it suitable for all kinds of music.”

Changes in Pianoteq v3.6.0:
  • New K1 Grand Piano instrument.
  • User selectable folder for user presets and add-ons.
  • The default MIDI file for the standalone version can now be changed.
  • Jack MIDI support for the Linux version.
  • Increased the filter sweep speed for the wah-wah effect.
  • Minor bugfixes and features.

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