To participate in the contest, send a video that best describes your relationship with the Arturia products (45 second minimum and 3 minutes maximum). You can use any style you want (funny, romantic, wild…) but you have to be creative.
Send your video at on or prior to September 29th with your name, address and e-mail. Arturia adds that you cannot make this video public or post it to YouTube before the end of the contest.
The best video will be shown during the Arturia’s 15th Anniversary event that will take place on October 3rd in Grenoble, France. The winner will receive a Gold edition of the MiniBrute SE synthesizer. Prizes 2 to 5 will win the standard version of the MiniBrute and prizes 6 to 15 will get a BeatStep.
More info about the contest at
Good luck!

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