Directory of musicians and music professions
9,316 results
Blusk ( Man of 38 years - Hauts-de-Seine )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate professional studio sound engineer / technician / home studio owner, getting the basics semi-professional composer, getting the basics cellist, getting the basics bass guitar playerGenres: Classical Music, Electronic Music, French Style, Jazz, Other Music, Pop, Rock
audioblend ( Man of 38 years - )Available only for paying job offers.intermediate professional arranger, intermediate professional composer, intermediate professional studio sound engineer / technician / home studio owner, intermediate professional sound designer
Kaagemaru ( Yvelines )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate guitarist, intermediate composer, getting the basics guitar techGenres: Blues, Classical Music, Electronic Music, Metal, Pop, Rock
jesbs ( Woman of 39 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job professional guitarist, expert professional composer, expert professional lyricist, expert semi-professional sound designer, intermediate semi-professional arranger, getting the basics semi-professional pianistGenres: Electronic Music, Folk, Pop, Rap, Rock, Trip Hop, World Music (Latino)
steww_78 ( Man of 38 years - Paris )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate semi-professional bass guitar player, getting the basics semi-professional arranger, getting the basics semi-professional composer, getting the basics semi-professional pianist, intermediate guitaristGenres: Folk, Pop, Rock
lior_95 ( Man of 28 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate dj, getting the basics composerGenres: Electronic Music
Ze Big bad Wolf ( Man of 32 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics dj, getting the basics composerGenres: Electronic Music
Andy26 ( Man of 31 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate pianist, intermediate singer, getting the basics composerGenres: Classical Music, French Style, Jazz, Other Music, Pop, Rock, World Music (Asia)
Evraen ( )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate bass guitar player, getting the basics composer
DjFred30 ( Man of 58 years - St Laurent des Arbres )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics composer, getting the basics arrangerGenres: Electronic Music