Directory of musicians and music professions
2,254 results
Nico_le_fantome ( 01600 )Available only for paying job offers.intermediate djGenres: Electronic Music, Rap
Peyo Bagneres ( )Available only for paying job offers.intermediate semi-professional dj
Antonio Baco ( Man of 35 years - Aubervilliers )Available for paying and non-paying job professional dj, intermediate professional composerGenres: Classical Music
Mr.DMA ( Man of 33 years - Havré )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate dj
Franck4675 ( Man of 49 years - Castelfranc )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate djGenres: Electronic Music
samclik ( Man of 36 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate dj, getting the basics sound director, beginner producerGenres: Electronic Music, Rap
MonsieurH ( Man of 37 years - Nogent les Montbard )Available for paying and non-paying job semi-professional director, intermediate semi-professional guitarist, intermediate composer, intermediate bass guitar player, getting the basics pianist, getting the basics djGenres: Blues, Electronic Music, Other Music, Pop, Rock
blux ( Man of 56 years - Rezé )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics composer, getting the basics saxophonist, getting the basics djGenres: Classical Music, Electronic Music, Jazz, Other Music, Pop, Reggae, Ragga & Dub, Soul, Funk & Rhythm'n'Blues, Trip Hop
flanintheface ( Man of 28 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job professional dj, intermediate professional composerGenres: Electronic Music, Jazz, Rock
DJadrian93 ( Man of 34 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics composer, getting the basics djGenres: Electronic Music, Other Music, Soul, Funk & Rhythm'n'Blues