Directory of musicians and music professions
2,254 results
shyster-dj ( Rhône )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics djGenres: Electronic Music, Jazz, Reggae, Ragga & Dub
Alexy Bvl ( Man of 29 years - Reims )Available only for paying job offers.getting the basics djGenres: Electronic Music, Pop, Soul, Funk & Rhythm'n'Blues
BDJ ANIMATION ( Drôme )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics semi-professional djGenres: Electronic Music
Kb208 ( Man of 43 years - Saint Brieuc )Available only for paying job offers.intermediate semi-professional dj, getting the basics composerGenres: Electronic Music
Eggbox Session ( )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate dj, getting the basics sound designer, getting the basics composerGenres: Electronic Music
Jhon Black Fire ( nancy )Available only for paying job professional stage manager, expert professional studio sound engineer / technician / home studio owner, expert dj, expert composer, intermediate sound designer, intermediate vj, intermediate guitarist, intermediate keyboard player, intermediate bass guitar playerGenres: Electronic Music, Metal
Satrip ( Le Rheu )Available for paying and non-paying job djGenres: Electronic Music
djbreizhl-71 ( Man of 41 years - Cergy )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate djGenres: Blues, Electronic Music, Rap, Reggae, Ragga & Dub, Rock, World Music (Latino)
djulio77 ( Man of 28 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate guitarist, getting the basics pianist, beginner djGenres: Jazz, Metal, Reggae, Ragga & Dub
angedemon34 ( Nances )Available only for paying job offers.intermediate professional dj