Directory of musicians and music professions
12,378 results
jimgrenoble ( la terrasse )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics semi-professional guitarist
blackdarkman62 ( Man of 43 years - Wierre-Effroy )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics guitarist, beginner studio sound engineer / technician / home studio owner
Akane Vai ( Man of 31 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics guitaristGenres: Metal, Rock
ericsauf ( Man of 54 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate guitaristGenres: Blues, French Style, Pop, Rock
Fabr06 ( Antibes )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics guitaristGenres: Metal, Rock
Stontrip ( Man of 41 years - Saint GLEN )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics guitaristGenres: Metal, Rock
Mathéo Kinnard ( )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate drummer, getting the basics guitarist, getting the basics arrangerGenres: Blues, Trip Hop
nicopointcom ( )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate guitaristGenres: Metal, Rock, Trip Hop
Xavier David ( )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics guitaristGenres: Blues, Pop
zzapp ( MERIEL )Available for paying and non-paying job electronic instruments maker / repairman , expert guitar tech, beginner guitarist, beginner keyboard player, beginner bass guitar playerGenres: Blues, Classical Music, Electronic Music, Folk, Jazz, Other Music, Pop, Rock, World Music (Africa), World Music (Asia), World Music (Latino)