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172 results
  • Available for paying and non-paying job offers.
    intermediate pianist, intermediate organist, beginner guitarist
    Genres: Blues, Jazz, Reggae, Ragga & Dub, Rock
  • krzysiu
    krzysiu ( Man of 55 years - millau France )
    Available for paying and non-paying job offers.
    beginner organist
    Genres: Classical Music, Electronic Music
  • valskater
    valskater ( Escherange France )
    Available for paying and non-paying job offers.
    getting the basics singer, getting the basics composer, getting the basics drummer, getting the basics keyboard player, getting the basics guitarist, getting the basics organist, getting the basics pianist, getting the basics electronic instruments maker / repairman
    Genres: Blues, Country, Folk, Jazz, Metal, Other Music, Pop, Rock
  • TexasMusicMan10
    TexasMusicMan10 ( Man of 62 years - United States )
    Available for paying and non-paying job offers.
    intermediate semi-professional pianist, intermediate semi-professional organist, intermediate semi-professional keyboard player, intermediate semi-professional arranger, intermediate composer, intermediate lyricist
    Genres: Blues, Country, Electronic Music, Folk, Jazz, Pop, Rap, Reggae, Ragga & Dub, Rock, Soul, Funk & Rhythm'n'Blues
  • allenap31
    allenap31 ( Denain France )
    Available for paying and non-paying job offers.
    expert organist
    Genres: Classical Music, Jazz
  • DomiSandy
    DomiSandy ( Man of 59 years - France )
    Available for paying and non-paying job offers.
    intermediate organist
    Genres: Classical Music, French Style
  • alaindeluanda
    alaindeluanda ( Man of 70 years - FUVEAU France )
    Available for paying and non-paying job offers.
    intermediate pianist, intermediate organist, intermediate keyboard player
    Genres: Blues, Pop, Rock
  • fonkyzeus
    fonkyzeus ( Bouches-du-Rhône France )
    Available for paying and non-paying job offers.
    intermediate keyboard player, intermediate pianist, getting the basics organist
    Genres: Jazz, Pop, Rock
  • Basmouth
    Basmouth ( Man of 29 years - France )
    Available for paying and non-paying job offers.
    intermediate semi-professional bass guitar player, getting the basics semi-professional pianist, getting the basics organist
  • brii
    brii ( Woman of 38 years - Marseille France )
    Available for paying and non-paying job offers.
    intermediate keyboard player, getting the basics composer, getting the basics organist, beginner lyricist
    Genres: Blues, Pop, Rap, Rock, Soul, Funk & Rhythm'n'Blues