Directory of musicians and music professions
132 results
Leigh BAM ( Woman of 34 years - Creteil )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate lyricist, getting the basics percussionist, getting the basics vj, getting the basics dancer, getting the basics guitarist, getting the basics dj, getting the basics singer, getting the basics composerGenres: Electronic Music, Folk, Jazz, Soul, Funk & Rhythm'n'Blues, Trip Hop, World Music (Asia)
DABIGHAND ( Man of 47 years - Annonay )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate dj, intermediate studio sound engineer / technician / home studio owner, intermediate live sound engineer / technician, intermediate composer, getting the basics vjGenres: Reggae, Ragga & Dub
CoktoVJ ( Man of 63 years - Rhône )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics vj, getting the basics djGenres: Blues, Electronic Music, Jazz, Oriental Music, Pop, Rap, Soul, Funk & Rhythm'n'Blues, World Music (Africa), World Music (Asia), World Music (Latino)
haxis ( Man of 40 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate composer, intermediate vjGenres: Electronic Music
matthieu77 ( Man of 28 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate guitarist, getting the basics dj, getting the basics sound director, beginner vjGenres: Electronic Music, Reggae, Ragga & Dub, Rock, Soul, Funk & Rhythm'n'Blues
THOMAS charette ( Man of 47 years - Marseille )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate singer, getting the basics vj, getting the basics composerGenres: Electronic Music, Rap, Rock, Trip Hop
black-style ( )Available only for paying job professional vjGenres: Electronic Music, Rap, Reggae, Ragga & Dub
grep ( Man of 52 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate semi-professional sound designer, intermediate composer, intermediate vjGenres: Electronic Music
Vicabe ( Man of 25 years - )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.getting the basics vj, getting the basics dj, getting the basics composerGenres: Electronic Music
pnik ( GENNES )Available for paying and non-paying job offers.intermediate keyboard player, getting the basics vj