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Numark Mixdeck Express
Numark Mixdeck Express
DJ Tab DJ Tab

«  Not mix well unless part in Midi »

Published on 07/24/12 at 12:06
* How long you use it?
1 day

* Did you tried many other models before buying it?
No, I just had a "Hercules DJControl MP3" (that is to say my level of knowledge in this area) with Virtual DJ (which I'm happy, except a perfectible BPM sync)

* What is so special that you love the most, least?
I like the +:
the next "All in One" (2CD MP3, USB drive, controller software noon mixer) with integrated sound card.
MIC + 2 (one front and one behind 6.35 mm 6.35 mm)
+ 1 Aux / Phono
+ 1 Master output XLR, 2 RCA outputs MASTER
+ Correct size
+ Jog pleasant to handle (not too scratch test performed at the moment, it's not my thing)
+ knob adjustment (Bass / med / high) with mid-point with a kill effective (3 min = knob in addition to)
+ The power supply is integrated (no adapter lying around)
+ Loop (in / out / reloop) nickel
+ Good sound quality
+ The price (<600 €)

What I like least:
The fact that the central part (Mixer + Audio Set) is by "Midi"
- A single cue point by platinum, it's just
- That three effects (via scratch jog, reverse and brake (adjustable))
- The fact that this is only "Serato DJ Intro" that is delivered with. (Which did not especially disturbing because the part is not mixing "Midi", but suddenly no sound comes out of the ordinary, to go either by the headset to the controller or by the RCA Controller plugged into the amp or a string, which I did my testing with my laptop just quiet in my living room it bothers me a bit. But VirtualDJ or Traktor Pro overcomes this (but I did not: (.)

So basically: Good but little better. Ultra right price considering you can just mix with this controller and amp / speaker with a lot of support. For a small mobile disco (or night out to laugh a little buddy) without large means it can do.