AJH Synth MegaPhase 12
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Dreadbox White Line Drive
Effects module for modular synthesizer
M.F.B. Digital Delay
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Synthrotek DLY
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Modulaire Maritime Tarot
Effects module for modular synthesizer
AJH Synth Swarm
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Snazzy FX Dreamboat
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Erica Synths EDU DIY Compressor
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Soundmachines T-Transient
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Tre Modular Shape Mod
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Pittsburgh Modular Analog Replicator
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Happy Nerding FX AID XL
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Modulaire Maritime Tarot la coupe
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Marion Systems RM-1B Ring Modulator
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Happy Nerding FX AID PRO
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Tiptop Audio 296t
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Club of the Knobs C-998B Audio Spectral Modulator
Effects module for modular synthesizer
Sovage Engineering Mêlée
Effects module for modular synthesizer
This Is Not Rocket Science Edgecutter
Effects module for modular synthesizer
VG-Line 12-Bit Crusher
Effects module for modular synthesizer