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Carter Steel Guitars carter starter

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  • moosersmoosers

    Carter Steel Guitars carter starterPublished on 05/02/09 at 12:04
    Carter Starter Pedal Steel is a pedal steel guitar designed for those who want to learn this incredible instrument without having the drop too much money on one. It contains ten strings, as well as three foot pedals and four knee levers. It really has the bare minimum as far as pedal steel guitars go, but that is all that is really need for the beginner. In fact, anything more than that would probably confuse those new the pedal steel, as it is an extremely complex instrument that is hard to learn.


    The Carter Starter Pedal Steel is easy to play and everything feels good while you're playing it. Like all pedal steels, it comes in a number of parts and takes a few minutes…
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    Carter Starter Pedal Steel is a pedal steel guitar designed for those who want to learn this incredible instrument without having the drop too much money on one. It contains ten strings, as well as three foot pedals and four knee levers. It really has the bare minimum as far as pedal steel guitars go, but that is all that is really need for the beginner. In fact, anything more than that would probably confuse those new the pedal steel, as it is an extremely complex instrument that is hard to learn.


    The Carter Starter Pedal Steel is easy to play and everything feels good while you're playing it. Like all pedal steels, it comes in a number of parts and takes a few minutes to set up. Once you get the hang of it, everything about the Carter Starter Pedal Steel is easy to use. Most people using the Carter Starter Pedal Steel are new to the pedal steel and it will take time to learn all of the instruments quirks, but Carter makes it as easy as possible with this model. The inherent sound is very impressive for such a cheap instrument and it is pretty easy to get a nice sound from this, granted you know how to play.


    The Carter Starter Pedal Steel isn't by far the best sounding pedal steel guitar that I've heard, but considering the price and who it is designed for, it is pretty impressive sounding. I have used this guitar with a few different amps, but find that I get the best results with my '76 Fender Twin Reverb or with any of the Peavey combo guitar amps that have been known to sound so great with pedal steel guitars. I've used this pedal steel both for recording and for practicing, and it is definitely suitable for both. Again, not the greatest sounding steel in the world, but definitely more than adequate for the beginning player.


    I've been using the Carter Starter Pedal Steel for about two years and it is truly the best option for those looking to get started on the pedal steel. This isn't an easy instrument to play by any stretch, and a lot of people give up after trying for a short while because it is so hard. This being said, the Carter Starter Pedal Steel makes every effort for the beginner to understand the instrument and simplifies things as much as possible. The price is the best part of this instrument, making it the perfect pedal steel for those who want to learn this awesome instrument at a cheap price.
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