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[NAMM] Dr Green also collaborated with Ashdown

After Hayden, Dr Green spent some time with the team at Ashdown, the result of this collaboration is 5 bass pedals which will be shown at NAMM.

Ashdown also named their Dr Green Series after the guitar and bass amp manufacturer. All the pedals are hand made in the UK and include a true bypass. Here are the first details:

  • Bearded Lady: a fuzz pedal with Hi and Lo Fuzz as well as Hi and Lo Out to fine tune the bass and treble frequencies
  • OctaDose: a sub-octaver with octave and dry/wet mix knobs
  • Doctors Note: an envelope filter with Q, sensibility, decay and mix controls
  • Bass Verb: a reverb pedal with two Mix and Depth controls
  • The Aspirin: a compressor with ratio, in and out levels knobs

The full description of each pedal is expected soon on www.ashdownmusic.com.

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