22 videos
Synplant 2 is an alien good time!
What's new in Synplant 2
Js80Rmx Firmware For Permut8
Vortex firmware for Permut8
New Scripts for Microtonic
Three Microtonics and some Permut8
beatrick Permut8 Firmware
Sonic Charge - Permut8 - B Roy Pitch Play Bank
Sonic Charge Patternarium
Be Speak & Spell Incarnate With Sonic Charge Bits…
Sonic Charge Echobode Delay Vst/Au Plugin In Acti…
Sonic Charge Permut8 Vst Plugin - Features Overvi…
Ableton Tutorial - Setting Up Microtonic Inside A…
Daft Punk Derezzed With Microtonic In 3Min28S
Introduction To Sonic Charge Microtonic
Echobode Au / Vst Demonstration
Permut8 Firmwares Run Through
Permut8 Presentation
Sonic Charge Permut8 Preview
Echobode Rack Extension Presentation

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