Arturia Pigments 6 test - All the colors of synthesis
Written testBest Product awardIt's become a habit now: every year, Arturia releases a new version of Pigments, its go-to virtual synthesizer. Let's find out what this sixth incarnation has in store.
Steinberg Cubase Pro 14 review - Mod About You
Written testBest Product awardIt's almost Christmas, and Steinberg is doing its usual best to put a Cubase under the tree. What about this fourteenth version? Quite a lot, and especially quite a lot of creative stuff.
Testing the Arturia Synthx V - Ex-eighties fan
Written testBest Product awardWith the Synthx V, Arturia further enriches its virtual museum dedicated to legendary synthesizers. This time, it's a model of the Elka Synthex. Let's find out what this new plug-in has to offer and …
Testing Ableton Move - Move It!
Written testBest Product awardAbleton has just delivered a surprise: a groovebox in a portable format with a screen, an 8 x 4 pad grid, and lots of buttons and encoders. It reminds us as much of Push as of Novation Circuits. We t…
Testing Presonus Studio One Pro 7 - Game changer?
Written testBest Value awardBest Product awardStudio One has been around for fourteen years, slowly but surely staking its place in the DAW market, thanks to its good ideas and innovations. However, with this seventh version, it seems that Preso…
Ableton Live 12.1 review - A feature-filled update
Written testBest Product awardThree years separate the releases of Ableton Live 11 and 12, during which time the developer released a number of new features and enhancements to the DAW, which has become the most popular among ele…
Test of Komplete Collector's Edition 15 from Native Ins… - Is the latest the greatest?
Written testBest Product awardIt's been almost two years since the release of the last Komplete and the somewhat disappointing Kontakt 7. Needless to say, the new version of Native Instruments' bundle is eagerly awaited, especial…
Testing Apple Logic Pro 11 - Relentless logic...
Written testBest Product awardAlmost eleven years since the release of Logic Pro X, and after several major updates, Apple's flagship DAW is finally ready for version 11. A turning point?
Testing Akai Professional MPC Key 37 - The keys to groovebox success
Written testBest Product awardJust a year and a half after the release of the MPC Key 61, Akai is releasing a smaller version of its MPC groovebox concept with a keyboard, the MPC Key 37. Is it a simple variation or a refinement …
Baby Audio Transit - Active ingredient for your ears
Written testBest Product awardBaby Audio, the up-and-coming Californian software developer, collaborated with Youtuber and artist Andrew Huang last year to design a multieffect plug-in dedicated to transitions. Was it a great ide…
Arturia Astrolab review - A performer's beast?
Written testInnovation awardEver since the Brutes and Keysteps affair, Arturia has been known to shake up the market with innovative products offering excellent value for money. And this Astrolab, tackling the stage keyboard ma…
Review of the Baloran The River analog synthesizer - When the analog flows in the stream!
Written testBest Product award35 years after the release of The Moog Source, the young French company Baloran pushes the concept to the next level. The River, much more than a polyphonic multitimbral analog synth, is made with pr…
LiquidSonics Seventh Heaven Professional Review - The reverb from heaven?
Written testBest Product awardThe second version of Reverberate, LiquidSonics' flagship product, completely blew us away with its Fusion-IR technology because it actually provided an unheard-of flexibility and audio quality in th…
EarMaster ApS Earmaster 6 Review - Ear to Ear
Written testBest Product awardEarMaster Aps is a small Danish company founded in 1994 specialized in the development of a very particular software: EarMaster, whose goal is to train your musical ear and reading skills.
A review of the Waves NX Virtual Mix Room plug-in - A Revolution in Headphone Mixing
Written testInnovation awardHeadphones are great for checking details when you’re mixing, but to mix on them exclusively has always been a challenge — at least until now. Thanks to a revolutionary new Waves plug-in called NX (M…