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< All Fender Stratocaster Made in Korea reviews
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Fender Stratocaster Made in Korea
Fender Stratocaster Made in Korea

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Stratocaster series

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coetlo17 coetlo17

«  it is inseparable »

Published on 03/13/11 at 15:22
made in korea serial No. E1042431

21 frets
3 micros simple
1 volume 2 tone
5 position selector


C handle very nice, like all strats,
the 5 switch positions can have a wide palette of sound, the screaming moist plugged into a good tube amp


My luthier changed the electronic standart by the best and the original pickups with Texas Special,
I plug this guitar amp fender deluxe VM40, in the neck position with a little crunch is perfect for the solo pink floyd ..., in a micro medium alone and light tone 0, adore, this crunch bluesy Texas! ZZ Top kind and remains the bridge position for the hard loud but overall very smooth ..... but happiness!


I use this guitar since 1988, this is my first guitar, since I have a lag Roxane 1000 and a G & L Tribute S500, but I always come back to this guitar ........
this guitar goes everywhere, you can just make him play, well almost, because for the santana, it lacks sustain but with effects, it makes him .........
I remake this choice with your eyes closed

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