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Danelectro AC-1 Chorus-Trem
Danelectro AC-1 Chorus-Trem
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i want to conqueer the world i want to conqueer the world
Published on 09/07/08 at 01:10
So a tremolo / chorus plutt vintage, read the opinions CHARACTERISTICS previous ones.

The biggest surprise Obviously as the size of the weight of the BTE. It it much heavier than all my other pedals (Wah, Proco ...) and above it is a steel that really inspires confidence. Trs is big, level size is slightly less long than my wha forcment and much broader prvoir space in the pedalboard.


Gnrale trs configuration is complex ... the 5 Premire seondes ...
Trs trs is not quick to find the usefulness of each rglage, can be a little more complex at the tremolo and more ...

The advantages of the two DIFFERENT IDE is nice but the chorus rglages achieve is sometimes a bit galre without the drgler trmolo ... But the silent ide is a good dj.

As for the manual ... it is shit, two small pages on our pedals o exiplque does not do much. I AIM rglage few pr-table to have a good base.

Finally, the red LED is visible enough and seen enough standards for what is easily activated.

I put 8 (minus 1 for the manual, at least for a grate advantages not simple).


So we arrive at the momment interesting.
First the chorus ... hope it is a vintage sound that can even approach a parfoi leslie tremolo when the couple or if you go into a little extreme rgleges.

Nothing to say it behaves well both in the loop in line (and yes have to put it live in a REPEAT rcemment). It is quickly got it perfectly clean colors a bit bland for my marshall and leads to distortion.
For those wishing to sound a bit more modern, onn arrives in great and well rglages plutt the fucking line, he passes well before pramp and possibly distortion and is therefore more embedded in the chorus faitun more discreet and less and therefore more modern characters.

The chorus is really at the top, I who had to buy ... Wasabi is the stronger.

The tremolo now. While the notice dpart I just mixed a little galr have neat cuts and we must admit that there is distortion that we can hear from Manir trs shoots as I wanted. I am not after all these opportunities, having this pdalle only a few days so j'diterais later. This tremolo too many characters and for my part I only use the Hard mode as the soft mode is just too quiet for my use.

Combining the two effects is enough good fouttre mess at the end of songs ... but outside was a view not too exploitable in the long term.

Finally for SETTING THE pramp I have not used too much dsireux get used to the sound of pdalle burt to better apprcier the subtleties of these r tings ... Of course they will not be effective in a loop.

I put 10 because even if the tremolo I do not agree 100% I think cell does not come from the bte plutt but my lack of knowledge of it for now.


I use it for about a week and I'm thrilled.
I like the solidity of the BTE, the vintage sound but in a more usable now, the two effects pedals Intgr the same.
I had the opportunity to esseyer few chorus at Boss and Digitech. But on the one hand I found them cold and trs other hand the price much more silent lev.
I could not esseyer tremolo itself before, only available in multi tremolo effects (beurkkk ...) or mixer Numark (thunder good !!!).
report quality / price is just gnial ... 66 in produktiv Muzic ... We are a 33 by the end. Go find good effects mtal boxes with as much subtlety and rglages for 33 ... Ms. harley benton have not even matter and quality does not even compare.

In the end it's my Danelectro Premire and I do not really regret my choice .. and the time will surely volumes my opinion but I wanted to DPOS because there are not enough reviews the pedals and I have same length hsit before buying. But I would do this election ... is clear.